Calendar of Events
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2 events,
Metropolitan Toastmasters: Speak-a-thon – Round 1
Metropolitan Toastmasters: Speak-a-thon – Round 1
Ingin sukses di bidang kamu? Ingin meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan umum kamu? Para pemimpin besar dapat mengkomunikasikan gagasan mereka kepada orang lain secara jelas. Kamu juga dapat melatih keterampilan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris dan belajar dari teman di klub yang diakui secara internasional ini. Ini sangat menyenangkan!
Metropolitan Toastmasters: Speak-a-thon – Round 1
Metropolitan Toastmasters: Speak-a-thon – Round 1
Want to succeed in your field? Want to improve your public speaking ability? Great leaders clearly communicate their ideas to others. You can practice this skill in English and learn from peers at this internationally recognized club. It's fun!
4 events,
Live from the USA: Hari Merdeka in the U.S.!
Live from the USA: Hari Merdeka in the U.S.!
Get your virtual passport ready! Celebrate Indonesian Independence Day and the 75th Anniversary of US-Indonesian relations with VOA journalist, Eva Mazrieva!
Live from the USA: Hari Merdeka in the U.S.!
Live from the USA: Hari Merdeka in the U.S.!
Siapkan paspor virtualmu! Rayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia dan Perayaan 75 tahun hubungan antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat bersama jurnalis VOA, Eva Mazrieva!
Women in Finance: Building a Secure Financial Future
Women in Finance: Building a Secure Financial Future
Join @america's masterclass in finance to explore opportunities in fintech, avoid pitfalls, and be a responsible fintech user!
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5 events,
@america Podcast: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship for an Inclusive Democracy
@america Podcast: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship for an Inclusive Democracy
Hear from our incredible businesswomen as they explore the challenges faced as entrepreneurs! Learn the importance of youth entrepreneurship for an inclusive democracy!
@america Podcast: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship for an Inclusive Democracy
@america Podcast: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship for an Inclusive Democracy
Simak pengalaman dari pengusaha perempuan yang luar biasa ketika mereka mengeksplorasi tantangan yang dihadapi sebagai wirausahawan! Pelajari pentingnya kaum muda di dunia kewirausahaan untuk demokrasi yang inklusif!
Movie@america: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Movie@america: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Join us for an exciting movie night with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they try to win the hearts of New Yorkers while battling an army of mutants! Movie Synopsis: After years of being sheltered from the human world, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenagers. Their new friend, April O'Neil, helps them take on a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon get in over their heads when an army of mutants is unleashed upon them.
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Karaoke@america: Buzz
Karaoke@america: Buzz
Calling all NIKI fans for a Buzz night of Karaoke@america!
Show your love for BUZZ! Join the BUZZ DRESS UP COMPETITION register as a member, and get a chance to win Buzz vinyl! See you at @america!
Karaoke@america: Buzz
Karaoke@america: Buzz
Memanggil semua penggemar NIKI untuk bergabung di malam Karaoke Buzz di @america!
Show your love for BUZZ! Bergabunglah dengan BUZZ DRESS UP COMPETITION, daftar sebagai anggota, dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan album vinyl BUZZ! Sampai jumpa di @atamerica
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2 events,
AlumniAS: Big 10 Alumni Unite!
AlumniAS: Big 10 Alumni Unite!
Bergabunglah dalam diskusi menarik dan malam networking! Temukan bagaimana alumni AS berkolaborasi untuk menciptakan dampak melalui Indonesia Big Ten Alumni!
AlumniAS: Big 10 Alumni Unite!
AlumniAS: Big 10 Alumni Unite!
Get together for an engaging discussion and networking night! Explore how U.S. alumni collaborate to create impact through Indonesia Big Ten Alumni!
2 events,
Sustainable Urban Transport for the Future
Sustainable Urban Transport for the Future
Temukan bagaimana teknologi hemat energi yang baru dapat mendukung sarana transportasi berkelanjutan di perkotaan di Indonesia! Cari tahu bagaimana hal ini dapat menguntungkan rakyat Indonesia di masa depan!
Sustainable Urban Transport for the Future
Sustainable Urban Transport for the Future
Discover how new energy-efficient technologies are driving sustainable urban transport in Indonesia! Find out how this will benefit the Indonesian people in the future!
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Design Your Career Path, Find Your Dream Job!
Design Your Career Path, Find Your Dream Job!
Curious how strong communication skills can help you land your dream job? Let's find out! Join this event in collaboration with the International Association of Business Communication (IABC) Indonesia! Don't miss your chance to network with the experts! Only at @america!
Design Your Career Path, Find Your Dream Job!
Design Your Career Path, Find Your Dream Job!
Penasaran bagaimana keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat dapat membantu kamu mendapatkan pekerjaan impian? Ayo cari tahu! Bergabunglah dalam acara kolaborasi bersama International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Indonesia! Jangan lewatkan kesempatanmu untuk terkoneksi dengan para ahli! Hanya di @america!
6 events,
Coffee Chats with @america
Coffee Chats with @america
Do you want to practice your English speaking skills? Come to @america for casual conversation with native English speakers while sipping good coffee!
Coffee Chats with @america
Coffee Chats with @america
Apakah kamu ingin melatih kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris kamu? Yuk datang langsung ke @america untuk ngobrol bareng para English speakers sambil minum kopi!
Unlocking the Leadership Potential of Indonesia’s Deaf Youth
Unlocking the Leadership Potential of Indonesia’s Deaf Youth
Jadilah bagian dari acara yang penuh makna ini, berfokus pada mengatasi stigma sosial dan menyoroti pencapaian komunitas tuli di Indonesia! Temukan bagaimana kita dapat menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih inklusif bagi individu dengan berbagai kemampuan!
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4 events,
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Writing Essentials
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Writing Essentials
Ingin tahu cara agar komunikasi tertulismu berkesan baik? Daftarkan dirimu untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis bahasa Inggris profesional bersama! Ikuti hingga selesai rangkaian acara ini dan dapatkan sertifikatnya! Make every word count dan jangan lewatkan acara ini!
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Writing Essentials
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Writing Essentials
Wondering how to make a lasting impression with written communications? Sign up to improve your professional English writing skills with! Complete the series and earn your certificate! Make every word count and don't miss out!
Metropolitan Toastmasters: What’s Inside My Pencil Case
Metropolitan Toastmasters: What’s Inside My Pencil Case
Want to succeed in your field? Want to improve your public speaking ability? Great leaders clearly communicate their ideas to others. You can practice this skill in English and learn from peers at this internationally recognized club. It's fun!
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2 events,
AlumniAS Jam Session: IndoBuckeyes Rocks!
AlumniAS Jam Session: IndoBuckeyes Rocks!
Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam malam yang seru dengan iringan musik live dan cerita dari alumni Indonesia lulusan The Ohio State University! Nikmati jam sessions, networking, dan pengalaman pribadi dari perjalanan belajar di AS. Jangan lewatkan!
AlumniAS Jam Session: IndoBuckeyes Rocks!
AlumniAS Jam Session: IndoBuckeyes Rocks!
Join us for an exciting night of live music and stories from Indonesian alumni of The Ohio State University! Enjoy jam sessions, networking, and personal insights from studying in the U.S. Don't miss out!
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Clean Air Advocacy for Transformative Change
Clean Air Advocacy for Transformative Change
Celebrate the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies with @america! Join our speakers to learn more about the impact of air pollution on health and the environment. Discover how YOU can drive transformative change for our world with actionable steps!
Clean Air Advocacy for Transformative Change
Clean Air Advocacy for Transformative Change
Rayakan Hari Udara Bersih Internasional untuk langit yang biru bersama @america! Bergabunglah dengan para pembicara untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang dampak polusi udara terhadap kesehatan dan lingkungan. Temukan bagaimana KAMU dapat mendorong perubahan transformatif bagi dunia kita dengan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil!
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Silent Reading Party at @america
Silent Reading Party at @america
Ajak teman-temanmu untuk merayakan ulang tahun ke-5 Silent Book Club Jakarta! Komunitas literasi yang inklusif ini mendorong kecintaan membaca seumur hidup yang memberdayakan individu dan mendorong perubahan sosial!
Silent Reading Party at @america
Silent Reading Party at @america
Gather your friends to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Silent Book Club Jakarta! This inclusive literacy community fosters a lifelong love for reading that empowers individuals and drives social change!
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2 events,
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Professional English
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Professional English
Keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris profesional sangat penting untuk pengembangan karir dan interaksi yang sukses di dunia yang semakin terkoneksi! Daftarkan dirimu untuk sesi ini bersama dan jadilah komunikator yang efektif! Dapatkan sertifikatnya, hanya di @america!
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Professional English
@america Academy English for the Workplace: Professional English
Professional English-speaking skills are vital for career development, and successful interaction in a globalized world! Register for this session with and be an effective communicator! Earn your certificate, only at @america!
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U.S. Admissions Preparation and Beyond
U.S. Admissions Preparation and Beyond
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang periode penerimaan di AS, cara mempersiapkan diri, dan cara menjadi sukses di kampus. Bergabunglah dengan Beth Riley, Perwakilan Internasional dari South Dakota Mines, untuk mempelajari cara-caranya lebih lanjut!
U.S. Admissions Preparation and Beyond
U.S. Admissions Preparation and Beyond
Learn more about the US admissions cycle, how to prepare, and how to be successful when you reach campus. Join South Dakota Mines International Representative, Beth Riley, to learn about this and more!
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6 events,
Coffee Chats with @america
Coffee Chats with @america
Do you want to practice your English speaking skills? Come to @america for casual conversation with native English speakers while sipping good coffee!
Coffee Chats with @america
Coffee Chats with @america
Apakah kamu ingin melatih kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris kamu? Yuk datang langsung ke @america untuk ngobrol bareng para English speakers sambil minum kopi!
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 1 of 2)
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 1 of 2)
Ready to conquer the IELTS exam? Join our IELTS Workshop, where an expert instructor will provide targeted training in all test components. Gain confidence, master strategies, and receive exclusive tips to maximize your score. Don't miss this chance to excel in IELTS!
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2 events,
Crafting the College Application Essay
Crafting the College Application Essay
This session will provide an overview of writing a college application essay for U.S. undergraduate admission. We will cover traits of effective essays, selecting a topic, and common misconceptions in the writing process.
Crafting the College Application Essay
Crafting the College Application Essay
Sesi ini memberi gambaran umum tentang menulis esai pendaftaran ke perguruan tinggi untuk sarjana di AS. Kami akan membahas ciri-ciri esai yang efektif, pemilihan topik, dan kesalahpahaman umum dalam proses penulisan.
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2 events,
Live from the USA: First Day at Harvard Law School!
Live from the USA: First Day at Harvard Law School!
Join Dom as she shares her first-day experience as a Master of Laws student at Harvard Law School! Learn about how to apply to U.S. universities as an international student! Live from the USA!
Live from the USA: First Day at Harvard Law School!
Live from the USA: First Day at Harvard Law School!
Bergabunglah dengan Dom ketika dia berbagi pengalaman hari pertamanya sebagai mahasiswa Master of Laws di Harvard Law School! Pelajari cara mendaftar ke universitas di AS sebagai mahasiswa internasional! Langsung dari Amerika Serikat!
2 events,
Movie@america: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Movie@america: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Immerse yourself in the Spider-Verse and join Miles as he redefines what it means to be a hero!
Movie@america: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Movie@america: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Jelajahi petualangan Spider-Verse dan bergabunglah dengan Miles dalam misi memberi arti baru untuk menjadi seorang pahlawan!
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IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 2 of 2)
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 2 of 2)
Siap menguasai ujian IELTS? Bergabunglah dengan Workshop IELTS kami, seorang instruktur ahli akan memberikan pelatihan khusus untuk semua komponen tes. Perolehlah kepercayaan diri, kuasai strategi, dan dapatkan tips eksklusif untuk memaksimalkan skor kamu. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk dapat menguasai tes IELTS!
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 2 of 2)
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 2 of 2)
Ready to conquer the IELTS exam? Join our IELTS Workshop, where an expert instructor will provide targeted training in all test components. Gain confidence, master strategies, and receive exclusive tips to maximize your score. Don't miss this chance to excel in IELTS!
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Movie@america: Coach Carter
Movie@america: Coach Carter
Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam pemutaran film Coach Carter, bercerita tentang kisah nyata yang mengharukan tentang bagaimana kasih sayang yang tegas dan disiplin tak tergoyahkan dari seorang pelatih mengubah tim basket SMA yang kurang berprestasi menjadi juara!
Sinopsis Film:
Pada tahun 1999, Ken Carter (diperankan oleh Samuel L. Jackson) kembali ke SMA lamanya di Richmond, California, untuk membenahi tim basket. Dengan aturan yang ketat dan disiplin akademis, dia berhasil membawa para pemain ke jalur kemenangan. Namun, ketika nilai akademis mereka mulai menurun, Carter tidak memperbolehkan mereka untuk menggunakan gym dan menghentikan musim kejuaraan mereka. Meskipun mendapat kritik dari para pemain dan orang tua mereka, Carter tetap teguh pada pendiriannya, bertekad agar mereka berprestasi baik di kelas maupun di lapangan.
Movie@america: Coach Carter
Movie@america: Coach Carter
Join us for a screening of Coach Carter (2005), the gripping true story of how one coach’s tough love and unwavering discipline turned an underperforming high school basketball team into champions!
Movie Synopsis:
In 1999, Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson) returns to his old high school in Richmond, California, to get the basketball team into shape. With tough rules and academic discipline, he succeeds in getting the players on a winning streak. But when their grades start to suffer, Carter locks them out of the gym and shuts down their championship season. When he is criticized by the players and their parents, he sticks to his guns, determined that they excel in class as well as on the court.
2 events,
Consortium Law School Mini Expo 2024
Consortium Law School Mini Expo 2024
Temui senior admissions officers dari lima sekolah hukum di Amerika Serikat untuk cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang keuntungan mengejar LL.M. Temukan juga bagaimana program-program ini menghadirkan pendekatan inovatif untuk pendidikan hukum pascasarjana, dan proses aplikasi, serta pembiayaan studimu!
Consortium Law School Mini Expo 2024
Consortium Law School Mini Expo 2024
Meet senior admissions officers from five law schools in the U.S. to learn more about the advantages of pursuing your LL.M. Discover how these renowned programs bring innovative approaches to graduate legal education and learn about the application process and financing your studies!
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Get to Know IISMA: Student Exchange Program Abroad
Comparison of Tuition Costs at Public vs. Private Universities in The U.S.
Top 10 Universities in America and How to Apply to Them
Getting to Know the American Education System: A Guide for International Students
5 Top Public Universities in America for International Students
Unlocking Opportunities: Types of Scholarships for International Students in the U.S.
Movie@america: Joker
- 14:00 -
- 16:00
- @america, Pacific Place
Consortium Law School Mini Expo 2024
- 13:00 -
- 16:00
- @america, Pacific Place
Movie@america: Coach Carter
- 15:30 -
- 18:00
- @america, Pacific Place
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 2 of 2)
- 13:00 -
- 15:00
- @america, Pacific Place
Movie@america: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
- 18:30 -
- 20:30
- @america, Pacific Place
Live from the USA: First Day at Harvard Law School!
- 10:00 -
- 18:00
- @america, Pacific Place
Crafting the College Application Essay
- 16:30 -
- 18:00
- @america, Pacific Place
Workshop@america: A U.S. National Park in a Terrarium!
- 18:30 -
- 20:00
- @america, Pacific Place
IELTS Preparation Workshop (Part 1 of 2)
- 13:00 -
- 15:00
- @america, Pacific Place